Greater Kansas City People to People
Corporate Annual Sponsorship
Sponsorship Recognition
- GKCPTP Sponsor Wall Plaque with year tags
- Three individual GKCPTP memberships for corporate executives
- Invitations to all chapter events
- Rotating banner on GKCPTP web site entry page with link to corporate URL
- Banner on Web Site Corporate Sponsor page with link to corporate URL
- Recognition on the footer for all GKCPTP Mail Chimp E-mails
- Listing on all Publicity, Programs and Brochures published during the year
- Listing on Corporate Sponsor Poster displayed at events during the year
- Mentoring opportunities for employees
- Sponsorship opportunities for major GKCPTP events
Standard Corporate Sponsorship Annual Fee: $1,000.00 cash or in kind service and/or products of commercial value.
Why Sponsor? Sponsorship Benefits
Sponsorship provides a great means of broadening your competitive edge by improving your company's image, prestige and credibility by supporting events that foster global goodwill. In recent years, corporate sponsorship has become the fastest growing type of marketing in the United States.
Part of this growth can be attributed to the increasing numbers of small and medium-sized businesses involved. Previously, only large businesses could afford to sponsor cause marketing, for instance, as a way of boosting corporate image as well as establishing goodwill. However, now smaller companies are sponsoring everything from local volleyball and softball teams to fairs, festivals and clean-ups of parks as an effective method of boosting their visibility in their community. Most of these sponsorships help these companies to enhance their public profile relatively cheaply. GKCPTP offers local companies a global reach on a reasonable budget.
Irrespective of the size of the company, however, experts in the field tout a broad spectrum of benefits that can be gained by sponsorship aside from enhancing visibility and image, such as differentiating the company from competitors, helping to develop closer and better relationships with customers, both existing and potential ones, and even showcasing services and products. These experts go on to say that when sponsorships are strategic and well-conceived, they can boost both short-term and long-term brand image.
Print Sponsorship Application PDF
Event Sponsorship Benefits
Sponsorship of events in particular can be especially effective as a marketing tool because it can be a means of accessing a wide range of audiences such as decision makers in business, government entities, and of course customers. It can be particularly beneficial for companies that take part in international trade, because sponsorship transcends cultural and language barriers.
A growing number of marketers think that corporate sponsorship is better than other methods as it provides opportunities to gauge customer response to products immediately. Events allow business owners or executives relate directly with an influential international community.
Heightened visibility due to positive publicity through the media is another reason corporate sponsorship of events. Every corporate sponsor seeks the widest exposure possible in both print and electronic media. This publicity increases the visibility of the company's products and services. The various kinds of media that cover the event usually include the names, and even pictures, of the sponsors.
The Corporate Event Sponsorship Fee varies depending on the event budget and
is established by the board.

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